08 February 23

Slim Garland Hanger Usage and Troubleshooting Guide

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1. How does the Garland Hanger Work?

The Garland Hanger uses friction against the frame of the door to stay in place and hold the weight of the garland. You adjust the width of the Garland Hanger by extending the tubes on each side.

How the village lighting company garland hanger works

2. What sizes of door does the Garland Hanger fit?

village lighting company garland hanger usage tips - slim single door garland hanger door width adjustability

3. How much exposed door jamb is needed to install the Garland Hanger?

village lighting company garland hanger usage tips - door jamb depth guide

4. Will this hanger work if my door is in a corner?

The wings cannot be moved, insure you have at least 5 inches of space between the inner surface of your door jamb and the corner.

village lighting company garland hanger usage tips - movable wings

5. The Garland Hanger cannot be used with Screen Doors

village lighting company garland hanger usage tips - no screen doors

Slim Garland Hanger Videos