08 February 23
There’s a lot of different doors, many with different dimensions and features. We’ve tried to design our wreath hanger to accommodate as many of them as possible.
Our proprietary sliding hook design allows you to vertically adjust your wreath where you want it. Simply unscrew the knob at the back of the hook, slide to your desired height, and tighten the knob.
Both points of contact between the hanger and the doors have had soft material added to protect your door. The knob for the sliding hook has a rubber cover, the inner areas of the top of door brackets have a felt like material.
Each hanger comes standard with extension spacers that allow you to push the main body of the hanger further away from the door, making room for extra features you may have.
Please contact our customer support if you need a deeper, thinner bracket. We’ll be happy to promptly send you a set.